What is a copyright?
A copyright is protection given to a creative and original form of expressions that is anchored in a tangible medium.
What are some examples of works that are protected by copyright?
Copyright can protect works such as motion pictures, photographs, books, music, etc.
Does a work have to be registered with the copyright office for an author to have a copyright?
No, an author does not have to register the work with the copyright office in order to have a valid copyright.
If the author does not have to register the work to have a valid copyright, then why would anyone register their works of authorship with the copyright office?
In order to sue someone infringing on your copyrighted work you MUST register the copyright. If you register your work within the first five years then you get a presumption that it's copyrighted, which will shift the burden of proof to the infringing party. Also registering your work early might end up saving you money in the long run.
Is registering a copyright expensive?
Usually no. It depends on your circumstances and a number of different factors. Many attorneys will provide you with a free quote. Here at Farjo Law P.L.L.C. we offer a free estimate for registering a copyright.